Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 28

An up and down week to say the least.  I started off well biking every single day.  Then Wednesday came and as I made the turn for the last tenth of a mile home and slipped on the storm drain and crashed the bike.  I got a really nice road rash on my right knee, pretty much taking up my entire knee cap.  It still hurts today to bend it 100%.  So I haven't biked since.

However I continue to eat well and I've been walking some and after weighing this morning I lost two more pounds! Very excited to have lost that weight and stay ahead of my pace of averaging 1 lbs a week.  I've now lost 6.8 pounds in four weeks. I'm almost down to the 250's for the first time in I have no idea how long.

I hope to get back on the bike later this week and really get exercising. 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 21

Well things are going a little better.

My friend Mike let me use his bike, which is really nice and now I've been out biking each of the last two mornings. I've felt pretty good after each one.  I'm going to do the exact same route for a week just to be able to compare how my legs and lungs feel after each one and be able to compare. Then I plan on adding length each time hoping to really be able to go a decent distance on it eventually.

Food was so so this week.  I ate out a lot, especially this weekend.  We went to the county fair not once but twice and went to Chicago for a Cubs game yesterday. I only ate at the fair once, but we ate out the one time we didn't eat at the fair.  Since I have an insane amount of calories according to Lose It, it's not really that hard to stay under. So two weeks ago I was 3,025 calories under budget and this week I was 3,928.  I think that's probably to high since I had to guess on most of my food over the last three days. But, I guarantee I was under for the week.

All of this led to a weight loss of 0.6 lbs last week.  I've lost 4.8 lbs in three weeks which is still almost two pounds ahead of schedule which is great. Just have to keep reminding myself that it's a marathon, not a sprint. I'm going for the long term goal of 50 lbs. Can't wait to get there.

Thanks to every one, especially my wife, for their wonderful support.  I really appreciate it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 16 - Struggling

You wouldn't think I would be struggling just 16 days in...but I am.

I'm actually doing quite well with my food, at least calorie wise.  Lose It has me on about 2600 calories a day (which to me is insane) and MOST days, I'm well under that, but hundreds of calories. Some days I get crazy and go close or completely over, but overall for the week last week I think I was like 1800 calories under my budget.

Where I'm struggling is the exercise. I got the bike fixed finally, but there it sits in the garage, not moving.  I even get up at 5 am with the idea of going out for a ride and then I stand in my living room, trying to come up with reasons not to go.  "I need more sleep." "I'm just going to check my email real quick." "It's too humid."  Lame.  Every stinking excuse is lame.  But yet, it works.  So what happened on Monday when I weighed in? I gained 0.4 lbs.

It's like need hand holding yet I'm 31 years old with a family and home. I need to snap out of this....